
[BOJ] 5419 북서풍

minigb 2022. 3. 23. 18:47


5419번: 북서풍

각 테스트 케이스에 대해서, 북서풍을 타고 항해할 수 있는 섬의 쌍의 수를 출력한다.


스위핑 공부하면서 풀었다.

아주 오래전에 세그먼트 트리 공부하면서 풀었는데 오랜만에 다시 푸니까 재밌었다.


struct Point {
	int x, y;

bool sortby(Point a, Point b) {
	if (a.x == b.x) {
		return a.y < b.y;
	return a.x > b.x;

class SegmentTree {
	SegmentTree() {}
	SegmentTree(int n) {
		for (base = 1; base < n; base *= 2);
		tree.resize(base * 2, 0);
	void Update(int index, int value) {
		for (index += base; index >= 1; index /= 2) {
			tree[index] += value;
	int Get(int from, int to) {
		from += base;
		to += base;
		int return_value = 0;
		while (from <= to) {
			if (from % 2 == 1) {
				return_value += tree[from++];
			if (to % 2 == 0) {
				return_value += tree[to--];
			from /= 2;
			to /= 2;
		return return_value;

	int base;
	vector<int> tree;

long long Solution(vector<Point>& point_vector) {
	sort(point_vector.begin(), point_vector.end(), sortby);

	map<int, int> cordinate_number;
	for (const auto& point : point_vector) {
		cordinate_number[point.x] = 0;
		cordinate_number[point.y] = 0;
	int number_index = -1;
	for (auto iter = cordinate_number.begin(); iter != cordinate_number.end(); ++iter) {
		iter->second = ++number_index;

	SegmentTree counting_tree(cordinate_number.size());
	long long answer = 0;
	for (const auto& point : point_vector) {
		const int& cur_index = cordinate_number[point.y];
		answer += counting_tree.Get(0, cur_index);
		counting_tree.Update(cur_index, 1);

	return answer;

int main() {
	ios::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0);
	int tc; cin >> tc;
	while (tc--) {
		int n; cin >> n;
		vector<Point> arr(n);
		for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
			cin >> arr[i].x >> arr[i].y;
		cout << Solution(arr) << kEndl;




칭찬받았다 !
